Rethink Healthy

Anchor Box

Announcing Anchor Box Pilot at Tahoe Forest in recognition of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

A small act of kindness to share with patients or team members who are struggling.

What is an Anchor Box?

Anchor Boxes were started by Find Your Anchor, a grassroots movement aimed at suicide prevention, awareness, and education. With creativity and a personal touch, Find Your Anchor aims to support those who may be struggling and destigmatize conversations surrounding suicide and mental health. Check out this brief 3-minute video about Anchor Boxes

Anchor Boxes at TFHS

In June 2023, the Zero Suicide Initiative of TFHS launched the Anchor Box pilot to help patients and team members experiencing suicidal ideation identify an “anchor” or their reason to live. Anchor Boxes include stickers, resource cards, and other tangible items that give hope and validation. Community Health has distributed 70 Anchor Boxes throughout the health system. Anchor Boxes can be given to any patient or TFHS team member who is struggling with thoughts of suicide. There is no fee to the recipient to receive an Anchor Box, and it is theirs to keep and to pass on when the time feels right.

If you know someone who would benefit from an Anchor Box, you can request one directly from Find Your Anchor.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, call or text 988 the nationwide Suicide and Crisis Lifeline available 24/7.