COVID-19: How to Prevent Infection and Avoid Contracting the Virus

Tips to be healthy in COVID times: Join Harry Weis, President and CEO of Tahoe Forest Health System, as he discusses ways to prevent infection and avoid getting the virus. 

Signs and symptoms of infection with COVID-19 (coronavirus) may appear two to 14 days after exposure and can include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.  Risk factors for infection with the new coronavirus appear to include:

  • Recent travel from affected geographic areas: China, Italy, Iran, Japan, and South Korea
  • Close contact with someone who has the new coronavirus — such as when a family member or health care worker takes care of an infected person

Nevada County Public Health: (833) 342-5211
Placer County Public Health: (530) 886-5310
Washoe County Public Health: (775) 328-2427
El Dorado County Public Health: Dial 211 on your phone

Placer County is offering free testing through an independent company in Truckee at the Old Gateway Center at 10990 Donner Pass Road. Testing is free to all, and it is not necessary to have symptoms of COVID-19 in order to receive a test. Anyone in a public-facing job, headed back to work, at a higher risk, or just concerned about COVID-19 exposure is encouraged to get tested.

Pre-registration is required and can be done at or by calling 888-634-1123.