Help is here.

Addiction is a treatable disease that can be managed with effective evidence based medications, counseling techniques, individual, and group support. The Tahoe Forest Health System (TFHS) Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) team helps people in our community recover from addiction. Learn how medications can be used to treat substance use disorders, sustain recovery and prevent overdose.

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About our program

Addiction involves complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.

Prevention efforts and coordinated treatment approaches for addiction are generally as successful as with other chronic diseases. Here at Tahoe Forest Health System, we are committed to removing barriers to care and reducing stigma to better serve our community.

The Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) team at Tahoe Forest Health System (TFHS) specializes in the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUD) which includes opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, cannabis, etc. and Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD).

Our team approach provides individuals with the tools they need for long term recovery and success. This results in positive impacts on their quality of life and overall health. We understand that addiction treatment must be individualized to determine the most effective treatment plan.

Addressing Substance Use in Our Mountain Community

Sarah Redgrave, LCSW, a licensed clinical social worker with Tahoe Forest Behavioral Health, discusses the challenges of drug and alcohol abuse in mountain communities like Truckee and Tahoe. Factors like resort town culture and long winters contribute to this issue.


Several medications are approved to treat Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD). These medications relieve the withdrawal symptoms and psychological cravings that cause chemical imbalances in the body.

Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder

  • Acamprosate is for people in recovery, who are no longer drinking alcohol and want to avoid drinking. It works to prevent people from drinking alcohol, but it does not prevent withdrawal symptoms after people drink alcohol.
  • Disulfiram is most effective in people who have already stopped drinking alcohol or are in the initial stage of abstinence.
  • Naltrexone blocks the euphoric effects and feelings of intoxication. It allows individuals to reduce alcohol use and to remain motivated to continue to take the medication, stay in treatment, and avoid relapses. Vivitrol is a long-acting injectable form of Naltrexone that many patients prefer, and may be an option.
  • Additional Medications prescribed for more severe withdrawal include Phenobarbital, Librium, Gabapentin, Baclofen and Depakote. Our clinicians will work with you to choose the safest and most effective medication(s) for you.

Medications for Substance Use Disorder

Buprenorphine (Subutex) and buprenorphine with naltrexone (Suboxone) are used to treat opioid use disorders (OUD) to short-acting opioids such as heroin, morphine, and codeine, as well as longer acting opioids like fentanyl, oxycodone and hydrocodone.

  • Buprenorphine suppresses and reduces cravings for opioids. This is also available in long-acting injectable form called Sublocade, and may be an option.
  • Naltrexone blocks the euphoric and sedative effects of opioids and prevents feelings of euphoria.

Opioid overdose prevention medication

Naloxone (NARCAN) is used to prevent opioid overdose by reversing the toxic effects of the overdose. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), naloxone is one of a number of medications considered essential to a functioning health care system.

Counseling and support

Counseling is an important part of Medication Assisted Treatment. Through counseling, people learn why the addiction occurred, the problems it has caused, and what they need to change to overcome those problems. Counseling can provide encouragement and motivation, teach coping skills and prevent relapse. Additionally, it can help people learn how to make healthy decisions, handle setbacks and stress, and move forward with their lives.

TFHS offers both individual and group therapy for substance use and alcohol use disorders.

Group therapy/support groups for Substance Use and Alcohol Use Disorders

We offer support groups at both Tahoe Forest Hospital and Incline Village Community Hospital, including:

  • Recovery & chronic pain
  • Women’s recovery support group
  • Recovery support
  • Recovery resilience

Peer recovery support

  • Emotional support
  • Individualized goal development
  • Assistance in looking for housing and employment
  • Connection to community resources and services

Opioid overdose prevention medication

NARCAN, the brand name for Naloxone, is a potentially life saving medication designed to help reverse the effects of an opioid overdose in minutes. NARCAN is a nasal spray that can be used by anyone, including non-medical professionals.

FREE NARCAN (Naloxone) is available at Tahoe Forest’s Emergency Department and in our MAT clinic.

MAT Program works closely with the TFHS Behavioral Health Department for a multidisciplinary approach to care.

Meet our team

  • Jacob Marquette, DO, Board certified in Addiction and Family Medicine, Supervising Physician
  • Leila Jirari, PA-C, MPH, APP Project Lead MAT
  • Nico Mills, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist
  • Emma Dennie, Substance Use Navigator
  • Allie Fitzsimmons, Substance Use Navigator
  • Idali Lomeli, MA, MAT Medical Assistant
  • Holly Rentfro, MAT Manager

Contact us

Direct referrals to the MAT Program can be made by calling (530) 582-1212.

Financial assistance may be available through various grant programs. Most of the costs are covered by grants.*
*subject to change