Colonoscopy preparation FAQs

Question: Do I have to drink all of the prep solution?
Answer: Yes. Even if your bowel results are clear after half the prep, you need to finish the full dose. Your height and weight are not a factor. You need to drink all of the prep as instructed. The large intestine is 3-5 feet in length, and there still may be residual stool in the right side of the colon. If your bowel movements are not yellow/clear liquid, we may not be able to see the lining of the colon clearly, and small, flat polyps may be missed.

Constipation – If you are constipated or have history of constipation, please buy and take Miralax (Peg3350) powder, 1-2 scoops daily, 5 days prior to Colonoscopy.

Question: Tahoe Forest Hospital prep instructions are different than that on the bottle/pharmacy/internet, whose do I follow?
Answer: Always follow the instructions from your doctor’s office or the Nurse call/email. If you have any questions, please call the office or the hospital (530) 582-3445, not your pharmacist or random websites.

Question: Is there anything I can flavor the prep solution with other than the flavor packets provided? Or, my prep solution did not come with any flavor packets; can I use anything to flavor it?
Answer: Yes. For the 4-liter preps only, you may flavor the prep solution with powder packets such as Crystal Lite® or Sugar Free Kool-Aid®. Lemon or orange flavors are preferred.

Question: What is considered a quality prep result?
Answer: Your bowel movements should be clear/yellow liquid, like your urine, where you can see through to the bottom of the toilet bowl. If you complete all of the prescribed prep and your results still have solid stool or liquid stool that you cannot see through (brown), please call the Endo Nursing Staff at (530) 582-3445 or the GI office at (530) 587-7698, or after hours call the Nursing Supervisor at (530) 587-6011.

Question: What do I do if the prep solution makes me feel sick?
Answer: If you are throwing up or have thrown up after taking the prep, you must call the Endo Nursing staff at (530) 582-3445 during business hours or after hours call the Nursing Supervisor at (530) 587-6011.

If you are queasy and feel like you are going to get sick:

  1. Stop drinking the solution for at least 30-60 minutes to allow your stomach to settle.
  2. Do not be sedentary. Get up, walk around. The onset of bowel movements varies from patient to patient, activity/walking will help the process.
  3. After 30-60 minutes, start drinking the solution again. Try using a straw if the taste/texture is what makes the solution difficult to drink.
  4. Wait longer between each cup of prep solution.

If you do all of the above and you still cannot keep the prep solution down, then call the Endo Nursing Staff at 530-582-3445 during business hours. If it is after hours, call the hospital and ask for Nursing Supervisor at (530) 587-6011 or call your physician’s office there is an on-call physician available.

Question: The prep instructions say to follow a restricted/low fiber diet three (3) days prior to my procedure; what happens if I do not follow the low fiber dietary recommendations?
Answer: Eating low residue/low fiber foods will help your bowel prep work better. If you maintain a high fiber diet during this time frame, it may take longer for the prep solution to start working, and you may have a less optimal prep with residual stool, limiting your doctor’s view of your colon.

Question: What can I have the day of the procedure?
Answer: Clear liquids only. You may have clear liquids up until 2 hours prior to your arrival time, then you may have nothing by mouth – no water, no gum, no mints.

Question: May I drink black coffee or black tea the day of my colonoscopy?
Answer: No black coffee, black tea, or broth on the day of your procedure. You may have herbal/green tea, water, coconut water, Gatorade or apple juice until 2 hours prior to your arrival time.

Medication FAQs

Please inform your physician and/or endoscopy nurse if you are taking the following medicines:

  • Blood Thinning medicines
  • Diabetes medicines
  • Weight Loss medicines
  • Blood pressure and/or Diuretics

Question: Do I take all my physician prescribed medications the week before the procedure?
Answer: Most medications will not affect the procedure. We want you to maintain your daily medication schedule including your blood pressure, thyroid, anxiety, depression, anti-seizure, pain control, and neuropathy medications.

Question: Can I take anything for headaches prior to the procedure?
Answer: Yes, Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Migraine medicines are acceptable

Question: Do I take my medications the day of the procedure?
Answer: Yes

  • Please do not skip your medicines for thyroid, seizure disorder, anxiety, and depression medicines. Please take these medicines!
  • Yes, it is OK to take red/purple coated medications.

7 days before your procedure, stop the following:

  • Fish Oil and Omega 3,
  • Turmeric
  • Vitamin E
  • Any vitamins, supplements, or medications not prescribed by a physician, please hold until after the procedure.
  • If your physician has recommended that you take Aspirin daily, stay on it; otherwise, please STOP Aspirin 7 days before procedure.

3 days before your procedure, stop nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID):

  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Excedrin
  • Meloxicam
  • Diclofenac