What is an earlobe repair?
Earlobe repair is a procedure to correct, reshape or rejuvenate the lowest portion of the ear. It involves treating torn or stretched earlobes, which could be from routinely wearing heavy earrings or large gauge piercings.
What is the procedure like?
Local anesthesia is used to numb the area. An incision is made just above the tear or stretched-out area of the lobe. The damaged skin is then removed and the ear lobe tissue is reconstructed so it has a more natural appearance. Fine stitches are used to close the incision in layers and complete the procedure. The procedure aids in the strengthening of the earlobe to prevent future damage.
What should I expect during recovery?
While stitches are typically removed one week after an earlobe repair, complete healing can take up to eight weeks. For the first few weeks after the procedure, it is recommended that you avoid contact sports and activities that could put pressure on your earlobes. Normal daily activities can be resumed within a few days of the procedure for most patients.
Who is a good candidate for earlobe surgery?
If you have a torn or stretched earlobe that’s making you feel self-conscious or preventing you from wearing earrings, an earlobe repair may be right for you. The treatment methods are minimally invasive, so most patients with torn or stretched earlobes qualify for treatment.