To help keep you in the game and avoid suffering an ACL injury, our sports medicine doctors recommend doing these ACL injury prevention exercises.
Essential ACL Injury Prevention Exercises for Winter Athletes
Ryan Solberg, MSPT, Director of Therapy Services at Tahoe Forest Hospital, shares his expertise on ACL injury prevention, especially as winter sports ramp up. Ryan emphasizes the importance of proper form and functional movement, starting with double-leg squats, progressing to single-leg exercises, and incorporating weights.
Forward and backward band walk
Strengthens glutes and hip flexors.
- Knees bent at 45⁰ and pushing outwards. (Do not collapse inwards.)
- Slow and controlled walk forward while keeping constant tension on the band.
- Knees bent at 45⁰ and pushing outwards. (Do not buckle inwards.)
- Slowly and controlled walk backwards while keeping constant tension on the band.
- Knees bent at 45⁰ and pushing outwards. (Do not buckle inwards.)
- Walk to the left while keeping constant tension on the band.
- With your lead foot at the start of each step lead with your heel.
- Repeat to the right.
Single leg bridge
Strengthens glutes, hamstrings, and core.
- Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor.
- Place your arms by your sides to help with stability during exercise.
- Squeeze your abdominal and buttock muscles. Pull your belly button in towards your spine.
- Straighten your left leg and raise it to be parallel with opposite leg. Flex your foot.
- Raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
- Hold 3-5 seconds.
- Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Single leg chair squat
Strengthens glutes, hamstrings, and core.
- Stand in front of a chair and balance on one leg.
- Slowly and controlled squat to sit down on the chair. The raised leg should remain straight with the foot flexed.
The knee on your standing leg should not pass over your toe and should not bow to either side. - Stand up and repeat on opposite side.
During this exercise be sure to keep your back straight and your head and neck in a neutral position. A good way to remember this: at the start of the exercise find a spot in front of you to focus on, keep your shoulders down and back, and keep your chest open.
Forward T
Strengthens glutes and also helps balance and coordination.
- Standing up straight, balance on one leg.
- Keep one arm down by your side and bring the opposite arm as the lifted leg up to your ear. The standing leg should have a slight bend.
- Bend forward at your hips to create a “T.”
- Stand up and repeat on opposite side.
- Keep your hips and toes pointing forward during this exercise, there should be no rotation.

Bulgarian lunge
Strengthens glutes and quads. Increases stability and flexibility.
- Facing forward place your foot on a stable elevated surface behind you.
- Your front foot should be facing forward or slightly pointed outward.
- Squat down to perform a lunge.
- Your upper body should remain in a fixed upright position.
- Keep your hips squared and ensure your knee is not passing over your toes.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Side plank with leg lift
Strengthens core and hips.
- Lie on your side with your forearm on the ground and your legs extended so that your body creates a straight line.
- Flex your feet and stack them on top of each other.
- Put your hand on your hip or raise it straight up into the air.
- Engage your core and lift your body off of the ground while maintaining a straight line from your shoulder to your ankles.
- Lift your top leg up slightly higher than your hip.
- Hold until you fatigue or lose control.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Single leg plank
Increases core strength as well as shoulder and glute strength.
- Start in a pushup position with your shoulders stacked on top of your elbows and forearms.
- Your head and neck should be in a neutral position.
- Squeeze your abdominal and buttock muscles to maintain stability and alignment. Pull your belly button in towards your spine.
- Lift your left leg off of the ground 3 to 5 inches.
- Hold.
- Repeat on opposite side.

Single leg balance with ball toss
Helps to improve agility, coordination, and balance.
- Standing up straight in front of a wall or partner, balance on one leg.
- The standing leg should have a slight bend.
- While maintaining your balance, toss a ball at a wall or to your partner and catch it as it bounces back or is tossed back.
- Repeat on opposite side. Once you’ve mastered this you can increase the difficulty by: using a weighted medicine ball, standing on foam or a BOSU, and by throwing/catching the ball from different angles/directions.
Single leg balance with ball toss
Helps to improve agility, coordination, and balance.
- Standing up straight in front of a wall or partner, balance on one leg.
- The standing leg should have a slight bend.
- While maintaining your balance, toss a ball at a wall or to your partner and catch it as it bounces back or is tossed back.
- Repeat on opposite side. Once you’ve mastered this you can increase the difficulty by: using a weighted medicine ball, standing on foam or a BOSU, and by throwing/catching the ball from different angles/directions.
Single leg lateral jumps
Helps develop power, strength, and stability.
- Create a line on the ground using tape.
- Standing up straight, balance on one leg.
- Hop side to side over the line without touching it.

Zig zag shuffle
Helps to improve agility, coordination, and balance.
- Shuffle to the right at a 45⁰ angle for 3 strides.
- Stop by planting your right foot.
- Repeat to the left side.
- Repeat this in a continuous motion forwards and then backwards.

Forward jump
Helps improve strength, agility, and coordination.
- Stand with feet together
- Jump forward and land in a squat.
- When landing ensure your feet are hip width apart and your knees do not pass over your toes.
- Hold squat for 3 to 5 seconds.
- Repeat.