Oral Health Improvement for Children

dental sealant procedure

As a part of the Incline Village Oral Health Improvement for Children initiative, the IVCH Foundation has utilized $120,000 in Oral Health Grant funding to provide ongoing dental services to our community’s students at school each year.

This April, in collaboration with dental students from Truckee Meadows Community College, 150 students enrolled in the initiative at Incline Elementary School received a free dental screening and fluoride varnish. Additionally in May, 20 students received dental sealants at Incline Elementary School, utilizing grant-funded portable dental equipment. 

The sealants were applied by provider team Mark Rosenberg, DDS, MPH, and Julie Stage-Rosenberg, RDH, MPH. This year marked a significant milestone, as sealants were applied to children’s teeth free of charge and with minimum interruption to their school day for the first time. We are excited to continue the impactful work of the Oral Health Improvement program, ensuring that our community’s children receive essential dental care for years to come.